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  • Kevin Wood



    Simply Sync Password

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    I only see one other thread here referencing this error and the response was that it generally occurs when when agent can't find a user match in the target.

    In my scenario, I'm getting a very simplistic Event 300 error in the event log for PWSyncServer and all it says in event details is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." and no additional information. It usually appears ~3 seconds before an informational event 100 for a successful password change.

    I can't spot any situation where this event does not appear before the informational event 100. Should it be ignored?


  • Support



    RE: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    it occurred if no mapped users found on target event.
    it is known bug,
    you can ignore it as far as mapped users are working properly.

    it is on to-do list to be fixed.
